Why do some prospects take so long to close?

As an organization, if your sales cycles continually runs long, you need to improve your process for predicting, identifying, and removing obstacles to closing the sale.  If an organization wants to increase revenue, they should spend time eliminating impediments that slow the buying process.

By |2019-12-04T01:01:53+00:00June 12th, 2018|Advanced Sales, lead generation, Sales 101|0 Comments

Recharge and Engage

Time to evaluate the year your assumptions from the beginning of the year to adjust your second half to increase sales.  Also, how can you re-calibrate your metrics to attain the goal?  If you are using a CRM and keeping it up to date, this should take you a half of a day.   


#My Best Sales Advice/Carrie

Bar none, with no question, the best closer I have ever worked with is Carrie.  For someone who was apprehensive about going into sales early in her career, she has developed into a great salesperson. She is responsible for both the print edition, plus digital assets.  She has remained with the same company her entire career, through the recessions, booms, busts, the death of print and the rise of online, and to this day is still the top seller.  The best piece of sales advice she received:

By |2019-12-03T21:34:00+00:00May 8th, 2018|Business, Sales 101|0 Comments

Not All Prospects Are Equal

Skillful prospecting is paramount to any sales person’s success.  The trick is not to treat all prospects as equal.  A big deal and a small deal will take the same amount of time and bandwidth to work and close.  Contextualizing your universe increases the likelihood of beating your goals.  This exercise is six easy steps and only  

By |2019-12-04T01:04:22+00:00April 24th, 2018|lead generation, Sales 101, sales training|0 Comments

Increase Revenue Using Referrals

According to Heniz Marketing,  84% of B2B decision makers start the buying process with a referral. We all know referrals make selling so much easier.  In fact, people are 4 times more likely to buy when referred by a friend.  So why are sales people not asking for more referrals? 

By |2019-12-03T21:40:53+00:00April 10th, 2018|lead generation, Sales 101, sales training|0 Comments

“Let me think about it” – and other deal killers

As a seller, I can think of few phrases that I hate more than “let me think about it.” The longer a deal takes to close, the odds of closing drop dramatically.   Why is that?  The forgetting curve starts: 75% of the information is forgotten within 24 hours, 90% of the inforamtion is forgotten within 30 days and 50% of the information they can recall is

By |2019-12-04T01:06:15+00:00March 27th, 2018|Advanced Sales, Sales 101, sales training|0 Comments
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