In honor of the 4th of July, test your knowledge of US presidents trivia.

  • Who had a dog called Satan?
  • Who opened a whiskey distillery?
  • Who had two grizzly bears as pets at the white house?
  • Which President got stuck in the White House tub?
  • Who banned dancing in the Whitehouse?
  • Who said, “There is nothing left to do but get Drunk?”
  • Who dismantled the Ku Klux Klan (but they eventually rebuilt)?
  • What President was shot, and went on to give a speech before seeking medical aid?
  • Who had vaseline rubbed on his forehead every morning?
  • Who was in Playboy Magazine?

Time for the Answers

Who had a dog called Satan? –
President John Adams

Who opened a whiskey distillery?
President George Washington

Who had two grizzly bears as pets at the white house?
President Thomas Jefferson

Which President got stuck in the White House Tub?
President Howard Taft

Who banned dancing in the Whitehouse?
President James Polk

Who said, “There is nothing left to do but get Drunk?”
President Franklin Pierce

Who dismantled the Ku Klux Klan (but they eventually rebuilt)?
President Ulysses S Grant

What President was shot, and went on to give a speech before seeking medical aid?
President Teddy Roosevelt

Who had vaseline rubbed on his forehead every morning?
President Calvin Coolidge

Who was in Playboy Magazine?
President Jimmy Carter